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Begonia thiemei is a beautiful species from Honduras and Mexico. The large leaves are dark green and compound. It has a rhizomatous growth habit. It blooms in the late winter and early spring with tall spikes of light pink flowers. This form has red on the back of the leaf and was a one time called B. macdougallii.

Care of Begonia thiemei:

  • Bright, indirect light
  • 45 to 95 degrees
  • Humidity 40-60%
  • 12 to 18 inches tall
  • Water when top two inches of soil are dry

Family: Begoniaceae

This plant is shipped in a 3 - 4 inch pot.

Begonia thiemei

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Begonia thiemei is a beautiful species from Honduras and Mexico. The large leaves are dark green and compound. It has a rhizomatous growth habit. It blooms in the late winter and early spring with tall spikes of light pink flowers. This form has red on the back of the leaf and was a one time called B. macdougallii.

Care of Begonia thiemei:

  • Bright, indirect light
  • 45 to 95 degrees
  • Humidity 40-60%
  • 12 to 18 inches tall
  • Water when top two inches of soil are dry

Family: Begoniaceae

This plant is shipped in a 3 - 4 inch pot.
