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Hoya mindorensis is a Philippine native that grows as a twining epiphyte. The leaves are quite large for a hoya and feature a prominent midvein. The real draw of this species are the large umbels with strikingly unique flowers. The revolute (backwards-bent) corollas of the flowers are covered in thick, whisker-like hairs that frame the fleshy star-shaped coronas that are vibrant deep red in color. The yellow flowers grow numerously in dense, spherical clusters for an unforgettable display.

Care of Hoya mindorensis:

  • Bright, indirect light.
  • 60 to 85 degrees.
  • Humidity 50-60%
  • Water only when soil is dry to the touch

Family: Apocynaceae

This plant is shipped in a 3.5 - 4 inch pot.

Hoya mindorensis (Yellow Flower)

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Hoya mindorensis is a Philippine native that grows as a twining epiphyte. The leaves are quite large for a hoya and feature a prominent midvein. The real draw of this species are the large umbels with strikingly unique flowers. The revolute (backwards-bent) corollas of the flowers are covered in thick, whisker-like hairs that frame the fleshy star-shaped coronas that are vibrant deep red in color. The yellow flowers grow numerously in dense, spherical clusters for an unforgettable display.

Care of Hoya mindorensis:

  • Bright, indirect light.
  • 60 to 85 degrees.
  • Humidity 50-60%
  • Water only when soil is dry to the touch

Family: Apocynaceae

This plant is shipped in a 3.5 - 4 inch pot.


Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Lilli-marie Briggs
Hoya love!!

Hoya may be my favorite because it is such a social plant, always reaching out to touch its neighbors. It makes me smile seeing tendrils spreading far a wide. It a great plant.