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Begonia 'Steve's Leaves Essence de Rose' is a new hybrid created by our very own Ryan Wilhelm. This begonia's namesake comes from its large clusters of pink flowers that smell strongly of roses. This cane-type cultivar has deep green, medium-sized, leaves with many silver spots.

(Ryan Wilhelm, 2022)

Care of Begonia 'Steve's Leaves Essence de Rose':
Shade to partial shade, temp. 50 to 95 degrees, 3 to 4 feet tall, allow soil to dry slightly between waterings.

Family: Begoniaceae

This plant is shipped in a 3 inch pot. 

Begonia 'Steve's Leaves Essence de Rose'

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Begonia 'Steve's Leaves Essence de Rose' is a new hybrid created by our very own Ryan Wilhelm. This begonia's namesake comes from its large clusters of pink flowers that smell strongly of roses. This cane-type cultivar has deep green, medium-sized, leaves with many silver spots.

(Ryan Wilhelm, 2022)

Care of Begonia 'Steve's Leaves Essence de Rose':
Shade to partial shade, temp. 50 to 95 degrees, 3 to 4 feet tall, allow soil to dry slightly between waterings.

Family: Begoniaceae

This plant is shipped in a 3 inch pot. 


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