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These are young Begonia lunaris plants grown from seed collected from our own stock plants. They will lose their spots and become dark olive green as they mature.

Begonia lunaris is a described species from the Atlantic Forests of Rio De Janeiro State of Brazil. It has large dark olive leaves with bronze undertones that are shaped like a crescent moon, which inspired the name lunaris. The bright orange flowers appear in huge clusters. The orange of the petals contrasts beautifully with the yellow of the stamens and stigma. When mature, it will produce flowers year-round. It will get about 2 feet tall and makes a fabulous hanging basket. These seedlings will lose their spots as the plant ages and are from the bronze form of B. lunaris. 

Shade to partial sun, temp 50 to 100 degrees, with staking it can get 6 to 8 ft. tall. allow to get slightly dry between waterings.

Family: Begoniaceae

This plant is shipped in a 3.5 - 4 inch pot. 

Begonia lunaris (seed grown)

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These are young Begonia lunaris plants grown from seed collected from our own stock plants. They will lose their spots and become dark olive green as they mature.

Begonia lunaris is a described species from the Atlantic Forests of Rio De Janeiro State of Brazil. It has large dark olive leaves with bronze undertones that are shaped like a crescent moon, which inspired the name lunaris. The bright orange flowers appear in huge clusters. The orange of the petals contrasts beautifully with the yellow of the stamens and stigma. When mature, it will produce flowers year-round. It will get about 2 feet tall and makes a fabulous hanging basket. These seedlings will lose their spots as the plant ages and are from the bronze form of B. lunaris. 

Shade to partial sun, temp 50 to 100 degrees, with staking it can get 6 to 8 ft. tall. allow to get slightly dry between waterings.

Family: Begoniaceae

This plant is shipped in a 3.5 - 4 inch pot. 


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