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Philodendron hastatum (narrow leaf) - This form of hastatum has very narrow leaves without any back lobes. This form is an epiphytic climber but the overall plant remains much smaller than an adult hastatum. Like P. hastatum glaucophyllum, this plant has glaucous leaves that we think live up to the moniker "silver sword" much better than the larger form.

Care of Philodendron hastatum (narrow leaf):

  • Bright, indirect light
  • 45 to 95 degrees
  • Optimal humidity 50-60%
  • 1 to 3 feet tall or will climb a support
  • Water when top two inches of soil are dry

Family: Araceae

This plant is shipped in a 6 inch hanging basket.

Philodendron hastatum (narrow leaf) - 6" Hanging Basket

Regular price $28.99
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Philodendron hastatum (narrow leaf) - This form of hastatum has very narrow leaves without any back lobes. This form is an epiphytic climber but the overall plant remains much smaller than an adult hastatum. Like P. hastatum glaucophyllum, this plant has glaucous leaves that we think live up to the moniker "silver sword" much better than the larger form.

Care of Philodendron hastatum (narrow leaf):

  • Bright, indirect light
  • 45 to 95 degrees
  • Optimal humidity 50-60%
  • 1 to 3 feet tall or will climb a support
  • Water when top two inches of soil are dry

Family: Araceae

This plant is shipped in a 6 inch hanging basket.


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