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Begonia burkillii (Ryan's Form) is a dark leaved form of this beautiful Indian species. Leaves are dark bluish-green and sometimes hints of orange from the reverse shine through. Juvenile leaves are marked with silver veins, but mature leaves are wholly dark and brilliantly iridescent. This species is dioecious, which means it has separate male and female flowers on different plants. This form or clone of the species has male flowers.

Care of Begonia burkillii (Ryan's Form):

  • Bright, indirect or filtered light
  • Temp. 55 to 95 degrees
  • Humidity 60% or more
  • 8 to 10 in. tall
  • Water when top two inches of soil are dry

Family: Begoniaceae

This plant is shipped in a 3 inch pot. 

Begonia burkillii (Ryan's Form)

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Begonia burkillii (Ryan's Form) is a dark leaved form of this beautiful Indian species. Leaves are dark bluish-green and sometimes hints of orange from the reverse shine through. Juvenile leaves are marked with silver veins, but mature leaves are wholly dark and brilliantly iridescent. This species is dioecious, which means it has separate male and female flowers on different plants. This form or clone of the species has male flowers.

Care of Begonia burkillii (Ryan's Form):

  • Bright, indirect or filtered light
  • Temp. 55 to 95 degrees
  • Humidity 60% or more
  • 8 to 10 in. tall
  • Water when top two inches of soil are dry

Family: Begoniaceae

This plant is shipped in a 3 inch pot. 


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