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Begonia burkillii (Dark From) has dark, almost black leaves that shine with a beautiful blue iridescence in low light. In fact, this plant prefers low light and high humidity and will do best in a terrarium without receiving too much direct light. The blue iridescence is not always apparent and is most evident when photographed with flash. It has a low mounding growth habit and will sprawl outwards as it grows. This species is dioecious, which means it has separate male and female flowers on different plants. This form or clone of the species has male flowers.

Care of Begonia burkillii (Dark Form):

  • Indirect or filtered light.
  • Temp. 55 to 95 degrees,
  • Provide with extra humidity.
  • 8 to 10 in. tall.
  • Allow soil to dry slightly between waterings.

Family: Begoniaceae

This plant is shipped in a 3 inch pot. 


Begonia burkillii (Dark Form)

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Begonia burkillii (Dark From) has dark, almost black leaves that shine with a beautiful blue iridescence in low light. In fact, this plant prefers low light and high humidity and will do best in a terrarium without receiving too much direct light. The blue iridescence is not always apparent and is most evident when photographed with flash. It has a low mounding growth habit and will sprawl outwards as it grows. This species is dioecious, which means it has separate male and female flowers on different plants. This form or clone of the species has male flowers.

Care of Begonia burkillii (Dark Form):

  • Indirect or filtered light.
  • Temp. 55 to 95 degrees,
  • Provide with extra humidity.
  • 8 to 10 in. tall.
  • Allow soil to dry slightly between waterings.

Family: Begoniaceae

This plant is shipped in a 3 inch pot. 


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