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Sansevieria masoniana is the famous whale fin Sansevieria. Sansevieria, the snake plant genus, was recently reclassified and placed into the genus Dracaena on the basis of molecular phylogenetic studies. Despite the name change, this plant is a classic stunner and will lend its sculptural beauty to any plant collection. Typically sold as a single leaf, this plant will continue to grow from the center in the same fashion as other sensevieria. It will also send out new pups from its rhizomes, so give it a pot with room to grow.

Family: Asparagaceae

This plant is shipped in a 5.5 inch pot.


Z-2082 - Sansevieria masoniana

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Sansevieria masoniana is the famous whale fin Sansevieria. Sansevieria, the snake plant genus, was recently reclassified and placed into the genus Dracaena on the basis of molecular phylogenetic studies. Despite the name change, this plant is a classic stunner and will lend its sculptural beauty to any plant collection. Typically sold as a single leaf, this plant will continue to grow from the center in the same fashion as other sensevieria. It will also send out new pups from its rhizomes, so give it a pot with room to grow.

Family: Asparagaceae

This plant is shipped in a 5.5 inch pot.


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