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Hoya retusa's thin, grass-like leaves make it unique among the genus and a very sought after plant. This Hoya's trailing growth habit makes it perfect for a hanging basket and will put on a display of singular white flowers with red centers.

Care of Hoya pubicalyx:
Shade to partial shade, 4 to 6 in. tall, will trail, allow getting dry between waterings.

Family: Apocynaceae

This plant is shipped in a 3.5 - 4 inch pot.

Hoya retusa

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Hoya retusa's thin, grass-like leaves make it unique among the genus and a very sought after plant. This Hoya's trailing growth habit makes it perfect for a hanging basket and will put on a display of singular white flowers with red centers.

Care of Hoya pubicalyx:
Shade to partial shade, 4 to 6 in. tall, will trail, allow getting dry between waterings.

Family: Apocynaceae

This plant is shipped in a 3.5 - 4 inch pot.


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